Chamberlain Garage Door Opener Not Working? This is The Troubleshooting Guide

chaimberlain garage door not working

When it comes to garage door openers, the line offered by Chamberlain is an excellent choice. However, what if you run into trouble?

There are essentially two choices: try to repair it yourself, or reach out to a professional specializing in garage door opener repair. Even if you decide ultimately to leave this in the hands of a professional, it never hurts to perform some troubleshooting yourself. Chances are good that you can figure out a solution based on the problem you’re having.

This troubleshooting guide walks through the classic issues with this line of garage door openers, and teaches you how to fix a garage door opener. After all, there’s nothing like an automatic garage door opener when the weather is bad.

Reprogram the Garage Door Opener

The first step in figuring out how to fix the garage door opener is to take the path of least resistance. The problem could be that the Chamberlain garage door opener remote is not working. You can fix it in a few simple steps.

First, check the batteries in the remote. If they are weak and close to being drained, it is likely the remote and the opener just isn’t making a solid connection anymore. Replace the batteries with a fresh set and then reprogram the remote.

From there, you’ll put the remote back into “learning” mode. Once the remote is in learning mode, you’ll simply wait for the light to come on, and then begin to point the remote at the door opener. If you have additional remotes, it’s never a bad idea to reprogram them all at the same time.

It’s very common to reprogram the garage door opener and then forget to reset the code on all of the remotes, which is why it’s best to do all of the remotes at the same time.

reset chamberlain garage door opener

Reset the Garage Door Opener

If your garage door won’t open with the wall switch, go back to the door opener unit and power everything off. You may need to make the system go back into learning mode, which will erase the codes of the unit and let you set it up again.

This goes hand in hand with the steps above, so you may need to reset the Chamberlain garage door opener a few times before the device and the remote begin working together again.

Reconnect the Garage Door Opener to Wifi

For systems that depend on Wi-Fi for connectivity, it’s important to remember that the network can become disconnected from the system. In this case, the garage door light will keep blinking rather than remember to do its job.

To fix it, you’ll have to reset the Wi-Fi. Turn the whole system off, and then turn off the Wi-Fi network. Wait a few moments, and then turn both systems back on. The garage door opener will start looking for the Wi-Fi and connect once again.

If other people are using your home Wi-Fi connection, make sure that you let everyone know that you’ll have to disconnect the network temporarily. Their services will return once the network is back online. 

garage door won t open with wall switch

Change the Frequency on the Garage Door Opener

Wi-Fi is an excellent addition to today’s garage door opening systems, but this technology has a slight problem. When multiple systems are all using Wi-Fi, interference occurs with ease. Thankfully, this is solved by changing the frequency of the garage door opener. If your Wi-Fi network is capable of multiple frequencies, moving from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz can also correct problems with devices and frequency.

If the issue is a matter of radiofrequency conflicts, adding surge protectors to the garage door system can help with shielding RF and smoothing out conflicts in the system. Ensure that if you take this step, you invest in a surge protector system rated for semi-outdoor spaces like the garage, where humidity and dust play a larger role in day-to-day operations.

Change the Garage Door Opener Battery Backup

While we touched on the need to adjust the remote’s battery source, make sure that you also check the battery backup system in place. Most people already have a ton of tasks on their plate every day, making it hard to remember to change the batteries. Over time, the batteries simply run out. The battery backup is designed to support the garage door system, and it’s important to check this system occasionally.

This is where efficient Chamberlain garage door opener troubleshooting comes into play. If the system has gone bad, it’s a quick fix to swap out the battery backup with a unit that’s in working condition.

One of the most common reasons for battery backup failure is unexpected moisture. Did you have a leak in the garage? Even if your garage door system was working fine at the beginning, the moisture might have had plenty of time to do unexpected damage. While a battery backup replacement isn’t the cheapest troubleshooting solution, it is often necessary.

The good news is that a new battery backup comes with its own warranty, meaning that replacing it in the event it develops problems isn’t going to be as difficult down the road.

Get to Know What the Diagnostic Codes Mean

The garage opener system contains multiple diagnostic codes to take note of if your garage door opener stopped working. Here are the ones to recognize:

  • Code 1: Safety sensors aren’t aligned properly or even blocked completely.
  • Code 2: The sensors aren’t wired correctly.
  • Code 3: The door control and/or wires aren’t connected.
  • Code 4: The sensors aren’t working part of the time.
  • Code 5: The system can’t detect any RPM activity.
  • Code 6. The RPM is detectable, but pulses are occurring while the motor is off.

As you can see from these diagnostic codes, there are multiple troubleshooting options to take. Codes 1, 2, and 3 essentially require you to check that everything is connected properly and that all of the sensors line up the right way.

Code 4 signals a different problem: the sensors are in line, but only some of the time. It’s a good idea to double check that all of the sensors have a proper line of sight with each other and that there aren’t any new obstructions.

Finally, codes 5 and 6 refer to Chamberlain travel module problems, so you need to check the wiring and batteries. You may also need to use the resetting solution.

garage door light blinking

Other Serious Concerns

Checking over your garage door opener system from top to bottom is a key part of the troubleshooting process. Looking for signs of corrosion may be frustrating, but it provides an easy fix when corrosion issues creep in. You will have to replace corroded system components when you see that there’s damage to sensors or other parts.

Look at the pulleys involved with your opener. Are there signs of wear and tear? If so, they will have to be removed and replaced as soon as possible.

If the opener is simply having Wi-Fi issues, moving the router may become a requirement for improved performance. The convenience of the system outweighs these minor troubleshooting steps; keep that in mind as you explore adding Wi-Fi extenders around your home to improve the strength of the network.

garage door opener not working

A Few Points About Force Adjustments

Keep in mind that the weather over the years may require adjustments on your part for the door opener to resume working. These adjustments are about to limit and force and just require a screwdriver. Test these issues by looking at how the door behaves when manually pushed. If the door is having issues when it needs to go up, it’s important to adjust the up force with your screwdriver. These adjustments are extremely small and require a light turn of the screwdriver. Pushing too hard can lead to damaging the system.

The safety reversal system also comes into play. Test this system regularly by placing a one-inch board on the floor underneath the garage door. The door should reverse once it detects the obstruction.

This is also a great time to check over the system and apply lubricant where necessary. Ensure that you don’t get any grease on the actual garage door tracks. Checking to ensure all of the wires are in the proper order is also a key troubleshooting step. If any of the wires are out of place, it can affect the sensors and the overall operation of your garage door opener.


This guide is designed to get your garage opener working again as quickly as possible. The steps in this guide will get your garage door working the right way again, leaving you free to enjoy the convenience of an automatic garage door opener!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why won’t my garage door open?

This is a common issue some people are having. Luckily there’s an easy fix. By resetting your garage door opener this issue should be resolved. If the technical issue persists, find a different working solution here.

How to fix my garage door opener?

An issue that frustrates many people with a garage is when the door opener stops working. Luckily in most cases this is caused by a drained battery and quite easy to fix. Here you’ll find other reasons for a non-functional garage door opener.