LG Linear Compressor Fridge Troubleshooting Guide

lg linear compressor fridge troubleshooting

Have you recently started running into issues with your LG linear compressor refrigerator? Perhaps your LG refrigerator is not cooling your food correctly, or your freezer is making a weird noise. 

Whatever the trouble might be, this article offers all LG consumers a comprehensive LG refrigerator troubleshooting manual. So, if your fridge is on the fritz, keep reading to learn how to troubleshoot your LG Linear compressor fridge.

How Do I Know If My LG Refrigerator Compressor Is Bad?

Compressor failure is one of the most straightforward problems to diagnose in an LG linear compressor refrigerator. Not only will your refrigerator operate poorly, but the compressor will be hot to the touch and have a significant change in sound. 

A normally functioning compressor will click on and off regularly. However, a malfunctioning compressor will either be silent or run non-stop.

How To Fix LG Linear Compressor Fridge When It's Not Cooling

How To Fix LG Linear Compressor Fridge When It’s Not Cooling?

A broken refrigerator can be catastrophic if it’s full of perishables. Unfortunately, you’ll have to act quickly if you want to keep your groceries from spoiling. 

However, hold that thought if you’re thinking about opening the door to unload everything. Instead, keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed to retain any cool air that remains inside. 

If you want to fix your LG linear compressor refrigerator, start by checking out the following components. 

Problems & Solutions:

So, what would cause an LG refrigerator to stop getting cold? If your LG fridge is not cooling, the issue could be one of several components. However, you’re most likely to find malfunctions in the following areas.

  • Compressor
  • Condensing coils
  • Evaporator fan

1. Check the Compressor

Your LG Linear fridge’s compressor is the beating heart of your fridge. It compresses your coolant to ensure your perishables stay fresh as long as possible. However, the compressor is the most likely culprit if your fridge isn’t cooling. 

If you’re not sure how to tell if an LG refrigerator compressor is bad, it’s actually quite simple. Your compressor will let out regular clicks and hums as it turns on and off. If it’s broken, it’ll either be silent or run continuously.  

If you’re confident the issue is your compressor, slide your fridge away from the wall and unplug it. Next, unscrew the back rear panel. Then, using a multimeter, check the condenser pins. If the multimeter shows a lack of continuity, your compressor probably needs to be repaired or replaced.

2. Check the Condensing Coils

If you’ve checked your compressor and the multimeter test didn’t show an issue, you can move on to check your condenser coils. Dirty coils will retain heat, which will ultimately cause your fridge to heat up. 

The condenser coils are located behind the rear access panel of your fridge. If the coils look like they’re coated in dust and grime, use a soft brush and dish soap to clean them. Let them dry thoroughly before turning the fridge back on.

3. Check for Evaporator Fan

After you test out your compressor and condenser coils, your next step is to check the evaporator fan. Unfortunately, accessing the fan requires you to empty out the freezer. So, if you want to go this route, have some coolers handy to store your food.

You’ll see an access panel toward the rear when you open your freezer. The evaporator fan is behind that panel. If your fan has frost build-up, you’ll need to remove it. You can defrost by letting the freezer warm up on its own or using a hair dryer to speed up the process.

If there’s no frost on the fan itself, use your multimeter to check the motor. Although the fan is the likely culprit, it can’t hurt to check the component that makes the fan spin.

Check for Evaporator Fan

4. Other Solutions

Other potential issues causing your linear compressor fridge to fail include:

  • Thermistor
  • Thermostat
  • Start relay
  • Condenser fan

The thermistor is the component that helps communicate your fridge’s temperature to the control board. If it’s faulty, the control board will get the wrong message, causing your refrigerator to malfunction. You can use a multimeter to check your thermistor’s continuity.

Since you have your multimeter out, you can also test your thermostat. Adjusting your refrigerator’s temperature, the thermostat’s continuity levels should change. If they remain steady, you probably need a replacement part. 

When you open your access panel to look at your compressor, you’ll see a small black box. This is your start relay, which causes your compressor to kick on when your refrigerator or freezer falls above temperature. Remove the box and listen as you shake it gently. If you hear rattling, your start relay is likely the issue and will need to be replaced.

Your condenser fan is beside your coils, so when you check the coils, take a peek at the fan, too. Give it a quick spin. If the blades are stiff, you might need a new fan.

LG Freezer Not Working But Fridge Is Fine

You can try a few things if your fridge is working but your freezer isn’t.

First, try vacuuming out the back of your unit. If a lot of dust, dirt, and grime have built up around your coils and fan, you could have cooling issues.

Second, if you haven’t already, check your evaporator fan. This might require a bit of defrosting to check thoroughly. 

Your third option is to let your freezer defrost for about 24 hours. Then, after ensuring it’s clean, turn it back on. 

LG Fridge Fan Not Working

LG Fridge Fan Not Working

You have several options if you’ve checked your components and found your LG fridge fan is not working. First, check your fan for any obstructions. Even a bit of dirt or grease could cause issues.

If your fan is clear, spin it to see if it wobbles or is stiff. If it doesn’t rotate smoothly, you might need a replacement. 

LG Refrigerator Temperature Control Problem

The most common LG refrigerator temperature control problem is the thermostat. The easiest way to check if your thermostat is the issue is to turn it from low to high. When you make the change, you should hear a click. The absence of a click could indicate your thermostat has failed. 

LG Refrigerators Bottom Freezer Problems

Common LG refrigerator bottom freezer problems involve the freezer’s evaporator fan or thermostat. However, if neither of those is faulty, your issue might be more complex. You’ll need to contact a repairer to find out if your freezer is failing because of errors with your control or display board.

LG refrigerators bottom freezer problems

How Do I Reset My LG Linear Compressor Refrigerator?

If you’re not sure how to reset an LG refrigerator after a power outage, don’t worry. It just takes a few steps and a bit of patience. 

  • First, unplug your refrigerator. You’ll need to pull it away from the wall to do so. 
  • Next, turn the fridge and freezer controls to “Off.”
  • Wait a few minutes, then plug your refrigerator back in. 
  • Once your fridge is plugged in, you can adjust your temperature controls as needed. Let your fridge cool for about 24 hours before loading it with perishables.  
How do I reset my LG Linear Compressor refrigerator

Is It Worth Replacing an LG Refrigerator Compressor?

A refrigerator compressor is a costly fix, so it’s understandable if you’re not sure whether you want to replace yours. However, if your refrigerator is only a few years old, it’s probably worth it. Most refrigerators should last ten to twenty years, so if yours is still young, a new compressor can help you maximize your fridge’s life.


Hopefully, this article helped you troubleshoot your LG linear compressor refrigerator issues. Refrigerators can be tricky to fix, but it helps when you can self-diagnose and repair the problem yourself. Keep reading for a few frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will unplugging a fridge reset it?

Unplugging your refrigerator will only reset it if you shut the fridge and freezer controls off after you unplug it. Therefore, it’s essential to do both to perform a full reset. Otherwise, your refrigerator will simply revert to whatever settings you had it on before you unplugged it.

What would cause an LG refrigerator to stop getting cold?

A faulty component is the most common reason an LG refrigerator would stop getting cold. Specifically, your compressor, condenser coils, evaporator fan, and condenser fan are the most likely culprits. However, if none seem broken, you could check your thermistor, thermostat, or start relay.

Did LG fix the linear compressor issue?

LG refrigerators are known for their linear compressor issues. But unfortunately, it doesn’t appear the company has fully remedied the problem. LG settled a class-action lawsuit in 2020 when multiple consumers sued LG for compressor troubles.  

What is the average life of an LG refrigerator?

The average refrigerator should last approximately ten to twenty years with regular use. However, LG claims their refrigerators hit the top of that range, lasting for roughly twenty years before they need to be replaced.